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Global Web Settings

The web/settings node contains a number of parameters that may affect the entire web site. The webdestination (wpWebDestination) node contains FTP username, password and other parameters telling WebPal how to access your hosting server for publishing. Add other parameters such as author, copyright, keywords, title and description to set global meta information and increase usability. To track your stats you can now add Google Analytics code to the settings node.


Within the settings node you may define some specific settings related to your web site, such as a destination web host.

Where to use this node


groupaccessdefaultall:rSee Access & Permission Control
useraccessoptionalSee Access & Permission Control
optimize-imagesoneofauto, speed, qualityOptimizes the site and design graphics for either speed (JPG images) or quality (PNG images). "Auto" will determine for each image type what the best option is.
include-methodoneofauto, php, SSIBased on the server settings, will use either PHP include statements of server-side-includes to render the layout header and footer of pages.
default-file-extoneof.html, .phpDetermines the file extension of all non-scripted pages. Default=.html
default-script-extoneof.php, .htmlDetermines the file extension of all scripted pages. Default=.php.
use-fast-buildoneofyes, noOnly Preview/Publish list items that have been changed, currently available for the newslist and the stafflist

Sub Nodes

webdestinationwpWebdestinationContains all necessary parameters to publish your site on the live hosting server(s).
web-phraseswpWebPhrasesContains translations of global phrases such as "click here to continue"
dbconnectorwpDatabaseConnectorContains all parameters to connect to the local database
titlewpStringLThe title of the web site, such as "Online Semantic Web Content Management Systems"
shorttitlewpStringLA short form of the web site title, such as "Online Web-CMS"
authorwpStringSets the META element "Author". The author of the web site, such as "ACME Incorporated"
classificationwpStringLSets the META element "Classification". The web site category, such as "commercial web site", or "personal home page".
descriptionwpStringLSets the META element "Description". Typically a plain English description of the site, describing what it is about.
keywordswpStringLSets the META element "Keywords". A comma-separated list of keywords relevant for the site.
langwpStringDetermines language support. A bi-lingual site will contain two nodes, Eg. lang="en" and lang="fr".
analyticswpRawThis is where you can add Google Analytics tracking code.
rss-imagewpImageAdds image to RSS Feeds
external-resourceswpExternalResourcesAdd your own external stylesheet and client scriping files.


The web destination is used to define the FTP information for the hosting environment where the site will be stored.

Where to use this node


hostnamerequiredFTP server name. In most cases something like: ""
htmlrootoptionalThe root of your web site. Example "".
loginrequiredThe FTP username.
passwordpasswordThe FTP password. For security reasons, this can be set only once. To change it, delete the webdestination, and re-create with a new password.
destdirrequiredThe directory in which your web site is located on the server. Eg. "public_html" or "httpdocs".
localdironeofweb, wapThis is usually forced to "web" - don't change.
default-file-permsoneof644, 755UNIX-style permissions given to all files. In some cases, 755 (allow-write) is necessary, depending on server settings.
host-emailoptionalEmail address notifications regarding the hosting server will be sent to. If unsure, leave blank.
activeoneofyes, noHas no effect - always set to "yes".
supports-phponeofno, yesDenotes if the hosting server supports PHP scripting.

Sub Nodes

file-prefixwpRawAdd this node to specify code to be included at top of each generated page. This allows session tracking, etc.


Web phrases are a local dictionary of commonly used translations for key expressions in the site, for example "click here to continue" or "return to previous". You can specify translations for all phrases generated by the system. To populate with our default translations, download the sample code below and paste into your web/settings node.

Where to use this node

Sub Nodes

phrasewpWebPhraseSee wpWebPhrase




The individual phrases inside the wpWebPhrases node.

Where to use this node


nameoneofemailtofriend, printerfriendlySelects the phrase to be translated.
langoneofany, en, fr, de, esDetermines which language this phrase is in.
valueoptionalEnter the actual translation here. Example (lang=de): "An einen Freund schicken"



The connection settings for a mySQL database connection. When including this node a php file is created in the _db directory. The file is called This file is required for the following nodes: Online Survey Blog Webform (if using the save-to-database Action)

Where to use this node


db-hostdefaultlocalhostSpecify the hostname or IP address of the DB host. If unsure, use "localhost".
db-namerequiredThe database name. Typically, this is the same as the site name.
db-userrequiredUsername for the database login as set by your hosting administrator.
db-passwordpasswordPassword for the database connection.
db-typeoneofMySQL, otherCurrently only mySQL is supported
table-prefixoptionalDEPRECATED - Prefix for all DB tables, e.g. "site_".
test-dboneofyes, noDEPRECATED



Add your own META element to all pages. Eg. Name = "robots" Content= "noindex".

Where to use this node


langoneofany, en, fr, de, esDetermines which language this phrase is in.
namerequiredEnter the name of the META element. Eg. "Robots"
contentrequiredEnter the content for the META element. Eg. "NOINDEX"
include-inoneofall-chapters, top-level-chapters, specific-chaptersDetermines which chapter(s) will include this meta tag
specific-chaptersoptionalWorks with the include-in attribute if the specific-chapter option is selected. Here is where you like the specifc chapter's name coma seperated.



Adding Google Analytics to your website will allow you to track visitor history, bounce rates and search engine traffic among other things. WebPal now integrates fully with Analytics by providing users with an "Analytics" node which can be inserted into the web settings. All you have to do is get the code snippet from your Analytics account and insert it into this node. In conjunction with this, every chapter will automatically have an analytics node added to it by default, denoting that this page should be tracked. Sign up today for a free Google Analytics account.

Where to use this node


enabledoneofyes, noDetermines if the Google Analytics code will be added to that page.



This node is used to define other external resources for your entire web site, sections, or sepcific chapters of the site. You can use this node to set RSS feeds as "alternate" resources, or custom external javascript files. Insert this node as external-resources in the web->settings node. For example, use a link node to set an RSS feed for your site, and browsers will automatically show the RSS symbol as an alternate way to get updates from your site. Use the code example below to get started.

Where to use this node

Sub Nodes

linkwpExternalResourceLinkDefines a <link> tag creating relationship between a document and an external resource (usually used to link style sheets).
scriptwpExternalResourceScriptDefines a client-side script.



Inherits from:

    Where to use this node


    langoneofany, en, fr, de, esDetermines which language this phrase is in.
    titleoptionalSpecifies the title of that external link.
    typeoptionalSpecifies the MIME type of the linked document
    relationshiponeofnone, alternate, appendix, bookmark, chapter, contents, copyright, glossary, help, home, index, next, prev, section, start, stylesheet, subsectionSpecifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document.
    reverse-relationshiponeofnone, alternate, appendix, bookmark, chapter, contents, copyright, glossary, help, home, index, next, prev, section, start, stylesheet, subsectionSpecifies the relationship between the linked document and the current document.
    mediaoneofscreen, tty, tv, projection, handheld, print, braille, aural, allSpecifies on what device the linked document will be displayed
    include-inoneofall-chapters, top-level-chapters, specific-chaptersDetermines which chapter(s) will include this external resource
    specific-chaptersoptionalWorks with the include-in attribute if the specific-chapter option is selected. Here is where you like the specifc chapter's name coma seperated.



    Inherits from:

      Where to use this node


      langoneofany, en, fr, de, esDetermines which language this phrase is in.
      typeoptionalSpecifies the MIME type of a script
      character-encodingoptionalSpecifies the character encoding used in an external script file (optional).
      include-inoneofall-chapters, top-level-chapters, specific-chaptersDetermines which chapter(s) will include this external resource
      specific-chaptersoptionalWorks with the include-in attribute if the specific-chapter option is selected. Here is where you like the specifc chapter's name coma seperated.
